I have been blessed to be invited into the life story for so many wonderful people. I have laughed and cried at the memories that have been shared with me. Together with my families we have remembered lives well lived. People who have reached remarkable milestones and have had the privilege to grow old. But I have also shared sadness for those who felt they couldn’t stay, and for those so young who still had lives to live and so much to look forward to.
It's never easy when someone we love dies and no one likes to talk about death, but why not take this moment to celebrate everything unique about your loved one. More than any other celebration this is time to join together to remember happy times and to share memories. Even though this is a sad day it will also be a day of smiles and sometimes laughter because Yes! more than anything this is all about life. And though you are grieving it gives you a chance to reflect and remember with dignity and respect as well as love. Let’s celebrate a life well lived and make this moment another chapter in the story of that special person.
Maybe a little time has passed since the funeral and you'd like to hold a memorial service, or your loved one had a direct cremation and now you want something more. This is the time to gather everyone together and include those that couldn't join you before. This time the day will be relaxed, without stress - a time for everyone to say a few words and share special memories and stories without time restraints. You can include some special elements if you wish like tree planting, or invite everyone to help scattering ashes. Because a little time has passed this is a perfect opportunity to sit together with a picnic, a cup of tea or a glass of wine and look back at the past but also discuss the future and the wonderful things life holds.
Pre - Written Funerals
More and more people are thinking about taking the stress away from their loved ones when they die by writing their own celebration. Maybe you want to ensure that your story is told the way you want, and would like to include your choices of music and readings. Do you know where to start? or would you love to talk to a Celebrant who can guide you through your decisions.
Together we can write your celebration, and once agreed you will receive the written copy. It can be a rewarding and comforting experience that will help your family in the future.